The Artist and Vision behind

Age of Aquarius

My name is Matt, Teacher at I have organized this website as a resource to help inform and inspire you to THRIVE.

The mission of this site is to act as an open-source style, community-driven hub where you can find unbiased, peer-reviewed information regarding important topics that affect all of humanity.

I encourage you to join the community of like minded free-thinkers who seek to share wisdom and truth, regardless of their personal differences.

I look forward to seeing you active within the Aquarian Community Forum and I hope that you feel inspired to share this platform to help humanity survive and ultimately thrive in this new age.

It is truly a wonderful time to be alive.

With Luv and Gratitude,

Matt Welsh (BLUVNBU)

Contact the Organizer

Do you have any comments, suggestions, or contributions you would like to make?
Are you booking interviews, podcasts, or news coverage on this subject matter?
If so, please let Matt know by completing this form or emailing and he will respond within 48 hours.

    Aho Mitákuye Oyás’iŋ

    May all beings everywhere be peaceful, happy, and free.

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